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How do I join the MEP Interest Group on Diabetes ?

MEPs are welcome to become a member of the MEP Interest Group on Diabetes, upon request and approval of the co-chairs and members. If you, as an MEP, would like to receive more information or wishes to become a member, please contact

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Why join the MEP Interest Group on Diabetes?

  • MEPs will receive evidence-based information on all aspects of diabetes management, care and risk-reduction approaches and related policy issues. MEPs can also contact the Secretariat for any questions or support they may have.
  • MEPs will also be kept updated on all relevant developments in the field.
  • MEPs will join a group of colleagues committed to making a difference for people living with diabetes
  • MEPs will strengthen their connections with a broad range of diabetes stakeholders across Europe, including organisations representing people living with diabetes, healthcare professionals, other civil society and non-governmental organisations and stakeholders
  • MEPs will also have the opportunity to build relationships and engage with other MEPs and decision-makers within other European institutions such as the European Commission,
  • MEPs part of the MEP Interest Group will have more legitimacy to speak on diabetes matters, and be more effective in tackling areas of importance to their constituents


The Secretariat for the MEP Interest Group on Diabetes is provided by IDF Europe. The Secretariat will organise a meeting of the co-chairs and members, together with external stakeholders as appropriate, four times a year to discuss activities. The last meeting of each year will be dedicated to an assessment of the activities of the past year, and will pave the way for the development of the following year’s work programme. Attendance at this meeting is limited to the MEPs, their assistants, and the Secretariat.
Members of the MEP Interest Group are free to engage in the group’s meetings and activities based on the own interests and agendas but regular participation is appreciated and encouraged.


Organised by the Secretariat, co-chairs and members, together with external stakeholders as appropriate, will meet about four times a year to discuss activities. The last meeting of each year will be dedicated to an assessment of the activities of the past year, and will pave the way for the development of the following year’s work programme. Attendance at this meeting is limited to the MEPs, their assistants, Members of the MEP Interest Group are free to engage in the group’s meetings and activities based on the own interests and agendas but regular participation is appreciated and encouraged.


The MEPs Mobilising for Diabetes will draft a Roadmap for 2030, which will be released in January 2021, and will set out the main priorities to achieve key policy changes and meet the Sustainable Development Goal, target 3.4 – reduce by one-third premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being. This Roadmap will define some of the key activities which will take place over the coming years and will include at least one or two events (webinar, debate, roundtable etc.) to be convened every year to discuss key aspects of diabetes management and care. Additional activities will include specific legislative and political initiatives and the development of a closer dialogue with other European Institutions, national Member States and other relevant stakeholders.